Professional Services

Intelifaz can help Professional Service firms streamline and automate business processes with digital technology customized to fit your firm’s unique needs.

Are You Still Dependent on Obsolete Technology?

Are you still dependent on manually updated spreadsheets and email for important aspects of your professional services practice? Then we really need to talk.

Intelifaz can replace those obsolete technologies with a customized cloud-based collaborative platform that will make data input easier, eliminate redundant work, create a single source of truth, automate and accelerate many business processes,  enable collaboration and sharing, and make data always available where and when it is needed. 

We can integrate the tools you currently use like Google Docs or Microsoft 365 including Microsoft apps like Power BI and MyAnalytics. We can also integrate your Intelifaz solution with your accounting and CRM systems.

The Benefits of an Intelifaz Solution
for Professional Services

More Flexible Talent Options: A cloud-based collaborative platform makes it easier to assemble teams tailored to a project's requirements and timelines. It’s possible to integrate full-time employees, contractors, and freelancers both local and remote, quickly and easily with all the information and tools they need, accessible from anywhere 24/7.


Business Process Automation: Professional Service firms tend to be data intensive. The data must flow through the organization and be available where and when needed. When these critical functions are dependent on manual processes it becomes both time-consuming and error-prone.


 Centralizing data and automating its flow to tools for functions like analytics, quoting, and reporting can result in huge time savings and reduce employee frustration while improving employee productivity.

Requirements Analysis icon

Requirements Analysis

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UX Design

Front End web and mobile Development icon

Front End web and mobile Development

Back End and Cloud Development icon

Back End and Cloud Development

Device management and IoT configurations icon

Cart as a Service

API Integration

API Integrations

ERP / CRM Integrations icon

ERP / CRM Integrations

A Transformative Customer Experience

According to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon:  If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. The single most important driver of conversion, retention, and organic growth in web and mobile applications is UX. 

Our UX/UI process ensures a great user experience that will do credit to your brand across all devices: web browser, tablet, and phone. We identify the key drivers of customer and or employee behavior and embed them into your internal and customer-facing digital experiences.

Technologies Matched to Your Needs

Today, we have a plethora of technology offerings and services to choose from that make features and functionality possible that would have been cost-prohibitive just a few years ago. Your digital transformation can be faster and more affordable then you might have thought.


Our work is backed by years of enterprise-level experience in web, mobile, and cloud application development.

No More Error Prone Spreadsheets  

In a comparison of 9 studies that audited operational spreadsheets, Ray Panko, Professor of IT Management at the Shidler College of Business found spreadsheet error rates averaged 83%. Five of the nine studies found error rates exceeding 90% with 3 audits finding an error rate of 100%. In the era of Big Data, Cloud-Based Collaboration, and Ubiquitous Connectivity this tool from the ’80s is not just ill-suited to modern data management, it’s a clear and present danger to business survival.


Intelifaz can replace your spreadsheets with a secure, easy-to-use Cloud-Based Collaborative platform, that’s always available on phones, tablets, and laptops. Permissions only allow users to see what they need to see and make data input easy, safe, and secure.

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Smart Service Configurators

Guide your customers to get what they want and make it effortless.

If your Professional Service offerings include configurable services you will want to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use configurator to enable fast and easy ordering online. No matter how complex your service your ordering process will be measured against the easy and intuitive experience in apps users use every day.

Intelifaz smart visual configurators allow users to easily configure products or services with real-time pricing and pre-visualization. Dependencies and rules are built into our configurator algorithms ensuring that customers can only order functional products and services.

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Intelifaz Speed Tuning

According to an AKAMAI STUDY:

  • A 100-millisecond delay in website load time can hurt conversion rates by 7 percent
  • A two-second delay in web page load time increase bounce rates by 103 percent
  • 53 percent of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load

Plugins, third-party apps, poorly compressed images, nonoptimal code, or system architecture, there are dozens of elements that can be performance killers on your site. We make sure your stores’ page load speeds aren’t costing you sales. We optimize your technology stack, images, code, and cloud infrastructure for blazing speeds and competition-beating performance.

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In 2011, SEARCH ENGINE WATCH quoted an Optify study of Google search results: “Websites ranked number one received an average click-through rate (CTR) of 36.4 percent; number two had a CTR of 12.5 percent; and number three had a CTR of 9.5 percent. Being number one in Google, according to Optify, is the equivalent of all the traffic going to the sites appearing in the second through fifth positions.” There is no better case for the critical importance of SEO to eCommerce then the dramatic disparity of results revealed in this study.


Intelifaz will optimize for SEO as an integral part of any web development project. We will make sure that any SEO you have acquired will be preserved in your new or revised solution and we will ID any SEO deficiencies you might have had so that they are not replicated in your new build.

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Innovation is part of our DNA

We are unique among development firms in the amount of pure R&D, patent IP development, research partnerships, and open-source projects we engage in. This uncompromising commitment to innovation enables us to bring you the most advanced custom software development services and developer talent in the world.

Check out the open-source AppDev platform Intelifaz created:  THE MAT|R PROJECT

Intelifaz patented a method for self-updating apps upon which the platform is built. Intelifaz designed and built a programming language, parsers, JSON spec, and dedicated collaborative cloud-based IDE, among other components, for the project.

Engaging with Intelifaz
on a Development Project

Engagements with Intelifaz generally start with a free, no-obligation strategic assessment of your unique needs.


At Intelifaz we don’t do one size fits all. Every customer solution has its own unique challenges and requirements.


After a free strategic comprehensive review of your needs, we will put together recommendations for the most cost-effective, maintainable, and scalable technology solution for your business, as well as cost and time estimates.